So today I would like to show you a typical day of what I would eat and drink and hopefully it will be helpful for anyone starting out. As I said previously I made these changes gradually so if you currently feel like you want to make a change but you are daunted by the prospect of changing just start by changing one small thing at a time. For example I cook a spaghetti bolognese once a week and I started by swapping the pasta for either Courgetti or I would fill up Portobello mushrooms with the bolognese and once you get used to something different it will become a normal habit to you.
So every morning once I have woken up and gotten myself dolled up for the day I will have a big glass of water and I head off to work. Once I arrive at the office I will get myself a cup of tea which is either a builders brew or a green tea depending on my mood and I have my breakfast which consists of a protein yoghurt with strawberries or grapes.
These yoghurts are a perfect breakfast for me as they are minimal effort in the morning so I can just grab and go. They come in three different flavours strawberry, raspberry and blueberry. The best part about them is they are so filling as they have 20g of protein in per pot and they are really thick and creamy. It would also be a great breakfast for any one following a macro nutrient plan as they have such high protein content. For a long time I used these instead of whey protein so you could even have one for post workout recovery.
Around 11am I will have a snack to keep me going until lunch and this will usually consist of 2 hard boiled eggs. Again they have plenty of protein so they keep you feeling full and I tend to use a small drizzle of balsamic glaze which is so yummy with eggs, vegetables, salads and pretty much any food I can gets hands on.
Lunch is always chicken and vegetables. I will also add brown rice in if I am doing cardio that day. The chicken is usually prepared using the maggies so juicy cooking bags. They have so many different flavours, my favourite is the bbq chicken. It really does make the chicken so juicy! So I will cook up a bag for lunches for me and my fiancé every couple of days. I don't do a whole weeks prep on a Sunday as I don't like the idea of eating 4/5 day old chicken towards the end of the week. For the vegetables I tend to stick to greens so broccoli, peas, green beans ECT. I also really like tescos summer medley which is carrots, baby corn and sugar snaps so I will switch up the veg depending on what I fancy. Today was the summer medley and broccoli and bbq chicken. After this I will have a
banana to kill those after lunch sugar cravings.
I tend to go the gym Monday- Friday so post gym I will have a protein shake which I get from and I have the chocolate peanut butter whey protein which is so tasty but I will do a separate review for this shortly so watch this space if you want to hear more about
After dinner if I am feeling peckish or want a sweet treat I may have some low calorie chocolate like a good old school curly wurly or alternatively it will be Apple with peanut butter it all depends on what kind of day it been at work haha!
So overall I try to stick to a low carb high protein diet Monday-Friday which is in line with my gym days and then over the weekend I can relax a little with the odd papa johns pizza and just pray it goes straight to my booty, check out my Instagram to see how we do cheat night ;) ( We all have days where we can't be bothered but once you get into a routine it really does just become a way of life.
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