Saturday, 19 March 2016

Silver Hair FAQs

Welcome to my very first blog post, this something I've been wanting do for such a long time and I’ve finally decided to bite the bullet and give it a go. So here it goes…

On the 39 bus, in the Tesco express, the work canteen or on the gram it seems everywhere I go everyone has one question to ask me, how do you get your hair that grey/silver colour? Well to all the ladies wanting to be a silver fox you are about to find out how to get it and more importantly how to maintain it.

So first things first, to be able to achieve this steel grey colour you need to already have a very light base so I'll insert a picture below of the colour I started out at but as a guide it needs to be similar colour to the inside of a banana! 

If you are already this colour, great, if not you will need to take a trip to the hairdressers to get your hair bleached (bleaching your own hair never ends well unless you want to resemble a canary).

I have used various different silver toners from drugstores such as  directions and  bleach London  but I’ll be honest nothing has achieved what I wanted the way going to a salon has so my first piece of advice would be to find a good quality hair salon to tone your hair for you. There’s no reason you can't do it yourself with the products mentioned above but in my experience you will never achieve an even steely grey.

 Basically, you get what you pay for and if there is one thing you are going to invest in let it be your hair as you have to wear it everyday!

If you are in the Nottingham area my hair salon is called Hairven ( and I have a lovely hairdresser called Vanessa she is literally the best colourist I've ever had in all the 10 years I've been colouring my hair.

So once I'd had my hair freshly coloured I entered the world of silver shampoo’s to maintain the silver as toners only tend to last maybe 5 washes so using a silver shampoo will allow you to get longer out of your colour. I initially tried touch of silver and used that for a while but it didn't really have the depth I was looking for so I stumbled across the best silver shampoo known to any granny haired young woman, Fudge’s violet toning shampoo!


Now this is my holy grail product, it leaves your such a perfect silver, it is so nourishing and gives your hair a lovely shine which can be difficult for us lighter haired folk.

I use this every time I wash my hair and leave it on for around 10 minutes you can leave it anything from 5-10 minutes it just depends whether you are just looking for a clean blonde or a definite silver/grey. I've found that this is more blue toned which is why it looks more silver where as some shampoos leave your hair more lilac than a true silver.

Using this shampoo means I  only have my hair coloured every 10-12 weeks and that's how powerful of a toner it is, so it is well worth its £9.90 price tag. I purchase mine from Amazon. The shampoo itself is a 300ml bottle and that easily lasts me 3 months.

My final tip for keeping those titanium tresses would be trying to go longer in between washes. This has done wonders for keeping my colour and the condition of my hair is now great that I wash it less as your hair absorbs more of your natural oils.

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