So this post is going to be focused on my leg routine so if you are after a tighter, rounder booty then try incorporating the below 5 exercises into your gym routine and you will notice results once you start putting in the work work work work work 🎶
Exercise 1 -Walking lunges
Now I usually start my leg day with these and for me I feel they work my quads so much more than standard lunges. First things first select a weight which is suitable for you or if this too much you can start without weights and work your way up to them when you feel ready. Then stand with your legs shoulder width apart, take one step forward and drop your hips so that your rear knee is bent and nearly touches the ground. Remember to keep your back straight, push through your heel and keep it as controlled as possible. Now slowly raise yourself back up and step forward with the opposite leg to repeat the process. I usually do these up and back down again for 4 sets (so 8 in total). I then superset my walking lunges with barbell squats which leads me on to exercise number 2!
Exercise 2 – Barbell Squat
A superset is when you go straight onto a different exercise in between sets without a rest. I usually have about 10kg weight on the barbell but set this to whatever is comfortable for you as much as it is important to push yourself you need to make sure you still have good form otherwise you won't target the muscles you want to and will end up injured. I have been gradually working my weights up little by little each week. Firstly stand with your legs hip width apart and your feet turned outwards then lift the barbell over your head and place it across your shoulders like the picture below. Then squat downwards as if you were about to sit on a chair again keeping your back as straight as possible and driving through your heel. I do a set of 20 of these after each set of walking lunges and then 3 sets of 20 reps once I've finished my lunges (so 6 sets in total). I also like to do 20 reps of pulsing squats after my last set so just stand in the squat position, do little pulses up and down and feel the burn🔥
Exercise 3 – Hip Thrust
Next up hip thrusts! Now these can look a little a bit awkward in the gym but you just have to get over it for love the booty🍑 So firstly lie on the floor flat on your back with your knees bent and bring your heels in towards your bum. Slowly raise your hips up as far as you can whilst tensing your glute muscles the whole time and then slowly bring your self back down again. I tend to do 3 sets of 15 reps and I use a 10kg weight which I hold onto my hips as I raise up. For my last rep on each set I hold my stance for 20 seconds or until I want to cry. A good variation of this exercise that I recently started doing is doing the hip thrusts on the leg extension machine as it allows you to go much heavier for instance I've been doing 40kg when doing them this was as apposed to 10kg. So to do this just rest your elbows on the seat and have the pad resting on your hips and raise your hips as far as you can and again try to hold it as long as you can to feel the burn 🔥
Exercise 4 – Split Squat
These next 2 exercises I do on my second leg session of the week. For this you will need a bench and a set of suitable dumb bells. Take one step forward and place your rear foot on the bench. Hold your dumb bells in each hand and let them hand either side and then bend your knee and hips downwards and repeat for each side. Try to do 3 sets of these with 15 reps on each side. This exercise targets your glutes more than a standard squat.
Exercise 5 – Sumo Squat
These are an absolute killer on your inner thighs and glutes and I must be crazy because I love them. I use a 15kg kettlebell with these squats but as all of these exercises they can be done without weights but you will really see maximum results if you do try to use weights. Stand with your legs much wider than shoulder width apart as wide as you can with your feet pointed outwards and then lower into a squat and try to get the kettlebell as low as possible the lower the better but keeping good straight posture throughout. I do 3 sets of 20 reps of these and then 20 pulses after my last rep like I do with the barbell squats.
So there you have it 5 exercises to get that peachy bottom! As I said before I am still a long way off
from being where I want to eventually be but the above exercises has given me more definition than anything else ever has and I can't wait to continue sharing the next steps on my fitness journey with you as I am always trying out new stuff I've found on Instagram and YouTube.
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