Tip Number 1
Go workout! Now this may seem like the last thing you want to do but trust me it will make you feel a hundred times better once you've smashed a mega gym session. It is also proven that the endorphins that are released after exercise actually improve your mood and can prevent depression setting in. If you are feeling low about your body only you can change that and without being too blunt sitting on your bum moaning isn't going to get you anywhere. I love fitness now but I wasn't always this way I used to hate sports at school so it was surprising to me how working out can make you feel so good but it really does and my point is just try something new even if your not sure you will like it because once you find that one sport you do enjoy you will want to keep it up and constantly cash in those endorphins!
Tip Number 2
Dress up. I don't mean like get your fancy dress box out but dress up in whatever makes you feel amazing whether it is 6 inch heels or Dr martins just wear something that makes you feel a million dollars. For me doing a full face of make up and wearing my favourite Levis puts the spring back in my step I know if I sit in my bed looking like crap I'm going to feel like it too. But it is important to find what makes you feel like the best version of you and rock it like no one else can which leads me onto my next tip..
Tip number 3
Do not compare yourself you anyone else. I know I know it's easier said than done with there being beautiful women all over Instagram but there is only one you and that's what makes you unique and that is what each and every one of your friends, family or partner loves about you. This is something I have struggled with my whole life as I am quite short I always longed to be taller and have legs up to my waist but now although I can appreciate a lovely set of legs but I am also very happy with my own petite, muscular frame (I'm currently working on the booty building 🍑). You will always want what you don't have but sometimes you've got to sit back and appreciate what you do have because I will bet you another woman somewhere wants what you have and that's how the vicious circle continues. So be happy being you and if you see someone with amazing abs that you'd love why not just compliment them you never know they might be having one of those days too. As women we know how it feels to be insecure so we should support each other to grow stronger together after all we do run the world 👑🐝
Tip number 4
Surround yourself with happy, positive and like minded people. As I've got older I noticed my friendship groups have gotten smaller and at first I wondered if there was something wrong with me or if I was not a fun person to be around but then over the years (and many tears) I realised that I was not the issue. I had grown into an adult who had and still does have big dreams and aspirations for my future and I wanted to do everything I could to achieve them and unfortunately that meant that with some people you naturally grow apart as they aren't growing at the same speed you are which is also fine but I've found that it usually means you no longer have anything in common. But then you have those little gems that stick around for the long run and you grow together and that might be someone you met 10 years ago or 10 days ago if they have a positive outcome on your life then surround yourself with these people as you will feel much more content when you accept that it's better to have a handful of close ride or die friends than a hundreds of people dragging down your spirit.
Tip number 5
Set yourself goals whether it be in the gym, work or at home. If you have something your working towards it gives you the get up and go attitude. Remind yourself daily of the goals you want to achieve and try do one thing to work towards reaching it whether it be small or not it is still a step further forward than you were yesterday. I feel that having a goal in life makes me want to always try that little bit harder and when you achieve something towards that goal it makes you feel good about yourself. So when you are feeling down maybe look back at where you started and how far you have come and this can really uplift your mood again and get you back on track to where you want to be.
So that's my 5 tips to feeling better on one of those hormonal, insecure days. I hope this helps as I've seen my confidence grow from being a shy little girl to becoming a confident young woman it hasn't been easy but the above tips have really helped me along the way to adulthood as I think deep down we all secretly want to be Peter Pan but there comes a time when you have to just stand up and accept your responsibilities and welcome a new way of living and in the long run you will be a better person for it and you'll never feel so sure of yourself.
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